Men’s Somatic Skills: Cultivating Sexual Integrity & Intimacy

December 12, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Ritual Tantra
Men's Somatic Skills: Cultivating Sexual Integrity & Intimacy

Men’s Somatic Skills
Cultivating Sexual Integrity and Intimacy
~Presented by Ritual~
With Lorina Manzanita

$30 tickets:

A workshop for men who want to up level their experience of intimacy with integrity. (Women are welcome to attend in support! Please contact Lorina directly at 415.295.6037 to inquire if interested in playing a supporting role.)

~ How can you initiate, invite and enjoy intimate, nonverbal sexy spaces without unconsciously crossing boundaries?
~ What can you do to not get sucked into drama dynamics and get caught up in the roles of perpetrator, victim and rescuer/enabler?
~ How can you embody the qualities of attunement, trustworthiness and integrity without cutting yourself off from the pleasure and power of your sexuality and authentic desires?

In the wake of the #metoo movement many men find themselves asking such questions. The answers are not obvious.
I, Lorina Manzanita MA, SEP Somatic Sex & Relationship Coach and SE Trauma Resolution Practitioner, want to help you find answers to the above questions and more.
Please join me for an evening workshop for men who want support and guidance to develop the embodied skills necessary to co-create sexually alive, trustworthy and mutually satisfying intimate connections.
During this workshop we will explore with our minds and bodies the nuances of integrity and power of the drama triangle. You will also be introduced to 6 somatic (aka mind-body) skills that can help you cultivate more trustworthy intimacy and less drama dynamics within any relationship.

Collectively these 6 somatic skills can help you:
~ Ease anxiety, fears of rejection and get you out of your head and into an embodied, present moment intimate connection
~ Pay attention to boundaries (both yours and others) without reactivity
~ Cultivate a satisfying felt sense of pleasure and safety while softening the impulses to grasp for more or push for a sexual agenda
~ Listen to your body’s wisdom and communicate in a way that initiates more fulfilling depths of connection with yourself and others
~ Attune to the deeper needs and desires within a connection and transform sexual shame
~ Shine all the more brightly as a sexually alive, confident and embodied man that makes heart wise choices

This evening will introduce you to key principles, practices and tools to help inspire more YESes and honor the NOes with more ease and confidence in any potentially sexual and intimate encounter. Walk away with skills and tools to successfully potentize a mutually satisfying field of consent. Anticipate clear and valuable information, embodied meditations, mindful movement exercises, compassionate dyad and triad sharings and safe opportunities for group discussions.
Open to singles, couples, triads, etc… and people of all genders. We support our whole community – low income application form:

About Lorina
Lorina Manzanita MA, SEP has been professionally helping people get comfortable in their own skins since 1998. She is a Somatic Sex and Relationship Coach, certified Somatic Experiencing© Trauma Resolution Practitioner, writer and teacher. She’s taught at CommonRoot, HoneyRoot, Maui, the SF Bay Area and online spaces.
Her work integrates a number of healing systems that honor mindfulness and the body’s intelligence. Her influences include but are not limited to Somatica© Sex & Relationship coaching, Somatic Experiencing, the Hendricks relationship coaching, Shakti Malan Somatic Sexual Presencing, Hakomi, healing developmental trauma with Diane Poole Heller and Larry Heller and CoActive Coaching with CTI. She’s also a JFK University graduate.
In her one on one experiential coaching work with men she brings her whole juicy, authentic self into connection with her clients. She helps men learn how to be in intimate relationships by practicing intimacy, in real time, with compassionate feedback and guidance. Sometimes it that involves clothes on erotic touch. Sometimes that includes tender holding. Often it’s about clearing shame and providing a space for vulnerable, courageous hearts to unfold. On all occasions she brings her embodied, attuned whole self to support the needs and goals of those in her care. Find out more at:

What people are saying…
“Lorina speaks in a way that’s both soothing and productive, a rare combination of zen and zest!”
~ T

“Lorina brings a loving, caring, accepting presence to her work. I feel welcome, seen and supported when I’m with her. I can bring my wounds and confusions around my relationships with women and my sexuality to Lorina and I know she will hold them sacredly, with wisdom and supportive humor. She has a keen intuition and does a wonderful job of tracking me, meeting me where I am at and guiding me. Lorina has a wonderful combination of soft sensuality and authoritative confidence. I embrace more of who I am working with Lorina.”
– Joseph E.

“The sessions that we have had have taken me deep into my heart where my true essence is revealed. You help me get underneath the story of what I have believed about myself over the years. Now I get to see myself as a powerful man, as a lover and a healer. My truth as it is revealed is a gift to me. Your work has helped you get there. You are a gift to me. I would recommend your work any man who wants to get a better look at their true self in the presence of a woman dedicated to the healing journey”.
– John

“Lorina is a powerful somatic therapist who has helped me navigate the pathway of deeper knowledge of my core patterns and the subtle energetic intimacy which I want to explore with others. She gives exquisite attention to me as a client, giving me precise feedback on what she perceives in me and how my energy is landing for her. The work is meditative, sacred and so much fun!”
– David R

$30 Tickets:


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