New Paradigm Party: Cacao, Consent, and Conscious Celebration

August 19, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
$15 – $25
New Paradigm Party: Cacao, Consent, and Conscious Celebration

As a deep and dire need for a new way of coming together rises up to the surface of humanity’s consciousness, intentional events and gatherings are springing up all over the world promising to foster more authentic and holistically fulfilling experience. But what exactly is this all about? What is still missing? And how can we take this even deeper, to make sure we are showing up to the party feeling fully resourced, supported, and safe on our journeys of celebrating and seeking a more wholesome connection to ourselves and one another in service to this new way of co-existing on this dance floor we call Earth?

Join us for a cacao-infused, fully immersive night where we’ll explore the cutting edge of humanity’s social evolution through New Paradigm Partying. Interweaving a multi-dimensional flow that will be part workshop and part dance, we will navigate how conscious celebration can be both juicy and grounded, sexy and safe, spontaneously fun and sustainably transformative.

Throughout the night you’ll be guided in exercises to soften into your hearts and cultivate deeper safety and connection with yourselves as well as each other. These mini-workshops will be interspersed throughout a conscious dance party DJ’ed and co-facilitated by DJ Audionai, with an opening cacao ritual led by Nick Meador.

On top of circle conversations as well as consent and contact practices, there will be two essential dance waves. The first will invite participants to go inwards and dance through previous comfort zones through listening to their bodies enough to become surrendered to a deeper intelligence at play (blindfolds will be available). The second wave will have an open invitation to come out towards and explore free conscious connection with others.

There will be a tea lounge open and available to talk with others, stretch, cuddle, or simply BE. Skilled space-holders will be available throughout the night in the case that something comes up that needs to be worked through.


Sunday, August 19
East Bay Community Space
507 55th St
Oakland, CA 94609
☆ Doors will open at 6:45pm. To create a safe container for the journey, NEW ADMISSIONS WILL CLOSE AFTER 7:30PM.

$15 Early Bird through July 31
$20 Advanced Registration Aug 1-18
$25 Day of Event




Entry includes a cup of ceremonial cacao! Pure cacao is a gentle plant medicine that opens the heart, deepens meditative experiences, and fosters inner/outer connection. With his social enterprise Soul Lift Cacao, Nick serves cacao grown organically at a family farm in eastern Guatemala, prepared by a women’s collective at Lake Atitlán that he met personally, and obtained through ethical direct trade. By giving back and showing respect, we honor the sacred role that cacao has played for thousands of years in the indigenous cultures of what we now call Central and South America. We are so fortunate that ceremonial cacao is entering the global consciousness at a time when it can have a massively positive impact. For more info visit

*Cacao consumption is optional at this event. It is not advised for people taking pharmaceutical anti-depressants or people with a heart condition to have a full serving of pure cacao.



The path into a unified, harmonious, and thriving future is a pathway back into our bodies, wherein we can sensitively and courageously tend to and express our authentic inner beings.

In today’s Internet era, it has become all too common to get disengaged from one’s felt sense of being, intensely concerned about self-image, and subtly seeking an escape. Even in the new wave of conscious dance events, more support is needed to help dancers truly feel safe, connected, and clear regarding their place in the party, as well as the party’s place in the greater world.

The dance floor is and has always been the magic microcosmic portal through which spirit has danced its way out into the fullness of our communal lives to embody all of that. As we reconnect with ourselves through ritual, community, and the timeless practice of free-form movement, we become self-sourced to connect to reality at large from a deeper, truer, more ecstatic place.

Recognizing the sacredness and value of this potential, conscious celebration is how we can truly come together to be fully expressed as personal souls, connected as a collective tribe, and generated with the life force and inspired vision for how to bring the party back out to a world that has forgotten its intrinsic place on life’s dance floor.

Between the guided practices and practical skills offered to help us all better take care of ourselves and one another, and the free space in which to put these practices to play within a safe communal container to confide in, dancers will be invited to embody and co-create what New Paradigm Partying can mean to them in their own lives and for the evolution of our world at large. Let’s explore!



Nick Meador is an RYT-200 yoga instructor, transformational life coach, holistic event producer, mindful entrepreneur, and world explorer. Nick has been organizing gatherings that promote connection for 15 years, and leading self-development workshops for 5 years. His mission is to empower and liberate people in a sustainable way. Nick synthesizes a variety of conscious communication and awareness systems into an innovative approach to healing and self-development. With his new project BS Free Spirituality, Nick creates online courses, workshops, retreats, and private coaching to teach through direct experience. The idea is to demystify introspective practice and make holistic self-management options more accessible to ordinary people. Learn more at Nick is also the founder of Soul Lift Cacao, specializing in organic ceremonial cacao from sustainable sources in Guatemala that are preserving ancient traditions. Learn more at

Adionai is a DJ, Musician, and Workshop Facilitator dancing through the heart of California’s rising transformational art culture. Rooted in a lifestyle that integrates music and movement as essential spiritual practices, Adionai make his way through Ecstatic Dances and Festivals, incorporating personal hand-drumming as well live vocals into his sets. With a style that holds space for today’s global convergence with a gentle touch, yet deep drive, authentic textures from different languages, continents, and traditions are summoned, weaving past and future together through slow and steady electronic beats to call listeners back into their bodies, wherein something deeper can move us into greater connection with ourselves and one another. With a mission to ground the collective soul, Adionai see’s the dancing container as a ceremonial space through which transformation by authentic feeling and presence guide the way into the embodied lifestyle that unifies all beings into their fullest expression on this dancefloor called Earth.

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