New Paradigm Party

January 18, 2019 @ 7:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Soul Lift Cacao
New Paradigm Party


Join us for a cacao-infused, fully immersive night where we’ll explore the cutting edge of humanity’s social evolution through New Paradigm Partying. Interweaving a multi-dimensional flow that will be part workshop and part dance, we will navigate how conscious celebration can be both juicy and grounded, sexy and safe, spontaneously fun and sustainably transformative.

Think of it like a party that’s also a workshop on how to party consciously. The whole journey will be curated and facilitated by skilled transformational guides. (MORE INFO COMING SOON!)

There will be a tea lounge open and available to talk with others, stretch, cuddle, or simply BE.

☆ Crystallin Dillon, MA will join us as a guest facilitator to lead a T-Group workshop. Stay tuned for updates about more special guests! ☆

• Opening Circle & Cacao Ritual
• Consent and Connection Workshops
• Conscious Dance Party and Tea Lounge
• Closing Integration Circle


Friday, January 18
East Bay Community Space
507 55th St
Oakland, CA 94609

☆ Doors will open at 6:45pm. To create a safe container for the journey, NEW ADMISSIONS WILL CLOSE AFTER 8:00PM. No exceptions made. ☆

☆ Taking of photos and videos is generally not allowed, except in a designated photo area of the venue, and elsewhere at specific times which will be announced at the start of the event. ☆

☆ THIS IS A SUBSTANCE-FREE EVENT! Please come in an ordinary state of consciousness. Ages 18+ welcome. ☆

☆ Before registering, please read the New Paradigm Party Values and Guidelines here: ☆

$19 Early Bird tickets (til Dec 21 or when they’re gone)
$25 Advanced Registration (Dec 22-Jan 17 or til they’re gone)
$30 Day of Event by cash or online/$35 by credit card at the door


☆ Volunteer opportunities exist, with priority given to people who identify as having lower social privilege. For more info write to write to [email protected]. ☆



Entry includes a cup of ceremonial cacao! Pure cacao is a gentle plant medicine that opens the heart, deepens meditative experiences, and fosters inner/outer connection. With his social enterprise Soul Lift Cacao, Nick serves cacao grown organically at a family farm in eastern Guatemala, prepared by a women’s collective at Lake Atitlán that he met personally, and obtained through ethical direct trade WITH FULL PERMISSION AND CONSENT TO SHARE IT IN THIS WAY. When Soul Lift Cacao buys from the women’s collective, 100% of profits from that sale go back to the Mayan indigenous people growing and preparing the cacao. By giving back and showing respect, we honor the sacred role that cacao has played for thousands of years in the indigenous cultures of what we now call Central and South America. We are so fortunate that ceremonial cacao is entering the global consciousness at a time when it can have a massively positive impact. For more info visit

*Cacao consumption is optional at this event. It is not advised for people taking MAOI anti-depressants or people with a heart condition to have a full serving of pure cacao.



Nick Meador got the ball rolling on this project! He’s the lead producer and handles venue relations, street team efforts, and other back-end logistics. Nick is an RYT-200 yoga instructor, transformational life coach, holistic event producer, mindful entrepreneur, and world explorer. Nick has been organizing gatherings that promote connection for 15 years, and leading self-development workshops for 6 years. His mission is to empower and liberate people in a sustainable way. With his brand BS Free Spirituality (, Nick works to demystify introspective practice and make holistic self-management options more accessible to ordinary people. Nick is also the founder of Soul Lift Cacao, specializing in organic ceremonial cacao from sustainable sources in Guatemala that are preserving ancient traditions. Learn more at

Adi Beth (Audionai) came up with the event name and a lot of the language for the project vision. He is a DJ, Musician, and Workshop Facilitator dancing through the heart of California’s rising transformational art culture. Rooted in a lifestyle that integrates music and movement as essential spiritual practices, Adionai make his way through Ecstatic Dances and Festivals, incorporating personal hand-drumming as well live vocals into his sets. With a mission to ground the collective soul, Adionai see’s the dancing container as a ceremonial space through which transformation by authentic feeling and presence guide the way into the embodied lifestyle that unifies all beings into their fullest expression on this dancefloor called Earth. Listen at

GUEST FACILITATOR: Crystallin Dillon, MA >> T-Group is a practice of intense present-moment awareness, just like meditation, yoga, and martial arts. But instead of working alone, we practice in small groups to bring this quality of presence into the process of communicating and relating with one another. We don’t talk about “stuff,” or any topic of discussion, but about what’s actually happening Right Now, both within us and in the space between us.


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